Everything and NothingI go over and over the same things, not to find any grain of sense but to lose any I already hold. I etch out every single word and phrase…6d ago6d ago
SukanyaWell, people say words are just words. They’re illusory. Aah! Not everyone is blessed with the wit to lose themselves in the beauty of…Sep 28Sep 28
Madly in LoveThis woman!—the one I adore—she’s surprisingly unique. Every woman looks pretty much the same when one is in love—Or should I say when I AM…Aug 29Aug 29
Be My WomanEvery guy struggles to find the right words when asked what he would define as an attractive trait. Once that air of feminine randomness…Aug 22Aug 22
बदसूरत स्त्रीसबसे पहले मैं आपको अपना परिचय दे देता हूॅं। मेरे नाम माधव है और मैं इस मूर्ख बालक के घर आया हुआ हूॅं। इस बालक से आप पिछले भाग “रोष” में…Aug 12Aug 12
रोषकल रात मैं अचानक रोने लगा। आँसू रुक ही नहीं रहे थे। बाथरूम के शीशे में अपना प्रतिबिंब देखा तो एक चुटकुला याद आया। चुटकुला तनिक लंबा है तो…Aug 4Aug 4
WHITEMy colourful lies paint such a truthful picture. It’s all white. It offers you nothing but a false sense that something sincere and…Jul 30Jul 30
Chat HistoryYou know there’s a word in the English Language and it’s my favourite — Camaraderie. It means mutual trust and friendship among people who…Jul 10Jul 10